“When the magi had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.” Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed for Egypt.”  Matthew 2:13-14

To accept and trust God’s word in the modern world..is it possible?

Before obeying, “2020 Joseph” could Yelp Jesus and see if his services have thousands of reviews. He could stalk Jesus on Instagram to see if He’s for real or catfishing. Is Jesus a 5-star best seller on Amazon? Did He get a co-sign from Oprah? How many subscribers does he have on YouTube? Does His LinkedIn show valid credentials? Today’s society relies so much on facts and evidence that it’s a little hard to imagine that someone could go off on a whim..or in this case, a dream. Many people rely on others' experiences for confirmation of what they’re doing in life. This is why Joseph’s obedience is so inspiring. 

God may not be sending me to Egypt but in prayer and reflection, He’s asked me to journey as Joseph did: To trust His word because He knows better than I do. Simple right? Still hard to do. I’ve lost my job and our economic situation doesn’t seem to turn in my favor. The current state of the world makes me scared and angry. There are days when my anxieties get the best of my well-being. Some days it feels like I'm in a desert. Yet, I’m hopeful and trusting God to lead me through this difficult chapter in my life. He is the compass..not my doubts, fears or "worldly" mindset. 

Let the Gospel remind us that God is more than what the eyes can see, hands can touch and mind can imagine. We may have a collection of reasons and facts that support what has happened in our pasts and present but remember, God has yet to reveal your future. 

Janella Sigua

Photo: The Sociable
