Knock it off, behave. Keep your wits about you. My dear friend and I have shared many conversations, light-hearted and serious, over these two statements. The first is from my dad and the second is from her mom. We heard these words growing up and passed them on to our children. 

In today’s readings, I hear Isiah, the psalmist and Jesus saying just what my dad and my friend’s mom said. The language of scripture, “…hearken to my commandments”, is far more eloquent than the language of our parents but the message is the same. Our parents summoned their sense of morality from their faith and knew that following that faith would lead us to a good place. 

Is it true that following the commandments will offer great “prosperity…like a river” or that “those who follow the Lord, will have the light of life”? 

It depends on the definition of prosperity and the light of life. While I love gadgets and beautiful things, they are not the things of prosperity. It is relationships forged and strong family connections that offer true prosperity. As for the light of life, it is the hug and smile of a child or grandchild that warms my heart these days. 

It is easy to say this when things are going well. I am saying them, however, amid things not going so well. Plans for later years have evaporated, opening up challenges and a new way of moving forward. While it has always been true that following the law of God and seeking and listening to God is what brings the true light of life, I am learning it in a new and perhaps more genuine way and as my parents did, I want to pass the learning on. 

My Christmas preparation includes placing dozens of nativities around our house. They come from all over the world, big and small, fancy and primitive. Recently, I inherited a number of new ones from my uncle but the spaces to display them are full, so I offered my children their pick. It was interesting to follow their preferences. They spent time making their decisions. I took comfort in this and saw it as a sign that Jesus, his birth and life have a place in their lives. Maybe this is the wishful thinking of a mother hoping that her children continue to embrace the faith; nevertheless, it is my prayer as we reach completion of this second week of Advent. 

My children are grown and while most of the grandchildren are young, they are growing up quickly. Knowing the peace that following the Lord can bring during good times and difficult times is my prayer for them today. 

What does it mean in your life to hearken to the commandments? Spend some time thinking about those who taught you about the commandments and how to follow the teachings of Jesus. Consider raising them up in prayers of gratitude. 

Anne Hansen 
