When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “As for you, your sins are forgiven.” LK 5:20 

Growing up, I was immensely insecure, always wondering where I fit in. I deliberately nurtured two friendships, carefully concealing my true self from each, fearing that the authenticity of who I am would scare them away. This fear transformed my insecurities into shackles, creating a self-imposed prison that distanced me not only from others but also from the reach of our Heavenly Father.

Today's Gospel serves as a sacred mirror reflecting the awakening of my soul, akin to the paralyzed man unable to approach the Savior for healing. Fear of being seen for who I am, amplified by the judgmental gaze of the believers’ crowd, nurtured a sense of unworthiness before our Father. The question lingered, echoing the depths of my soul: who am I to merit the grace and friendship of our Creator? 

Yet, amid the shadows of my insecurities, a gentle light emerged. My friends in Christ, guided by love and faith, ventured to where my soul languished. In moments of despair, they chose not to turn away but to sit with me, providing a sacred space for my sufferings to be heard and acknowledged. Through their unwavering companionship, I learned of my worthiness – an affirmation that in the eyes of our Creator, I am enough. Encouraged by their love and fortified by their faith, I embraced the scars of my insecurities as badges of spiritual resilience. 

In the quiet moments of reflection, I discern the echoes of grace, resonating the assurance that, in embracing my vulnerabilities, I not only find acceptance but also walk hand in hand with our Father, who sees me not as incomplete or broken but as a cherished creation, worthy of His boundless love. 

Lord, help me find the courage to seek your presence in my everyday life. 

Kath Tran 
