“He will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love…”

The end of the year and the Christmas season is often full of busy-ness and so much bustle. Work feels more rushed, there are plenty of distracting shopping sales, and there is an eagerness to make preparations and celebrate with friends and family. In addition to the expected holiday commotion, my fiancé and I are currently preparing for our wedding day which is soon after Christmas Day. For the past week I have been struggling to sleep, resting for no more than 5 hours per night before waking up with a seemingly endless list of “must-dos” on my mind. I have felt quite stressed and anxious as Christmas and the wedding quickly approach.

Today’s readings and Gospel, however, remind me of God’s loving joy for us. It brings me back to the same joy I felt when I first met my husband-to-be. Standing there smiling with a welcoming demeanor, he gifted me two mini pies, having remembered it being my favorite dessert from an early conversation. Hearts happy and curious, we leaned into learning and sharing together, without fully fathoming where that first meeting might one day lead.

During the Christmas season, we wait in joyful anticipation for Jesus’ coming. But perhaps we are invited to also remember that God rejoices over us, too. We are beloved, regarded as beautiful, and are welcomed to learn and share in His love. I imagine God excited to see how we grow and grow to know Him. Perhaps among the busy-ness of this particularly demanding season, we may remember to meet Jesus with the same excitement. God already regards us as worth celebrating. Let us be open to His invitation to a renewed sense of belonging as we celebrate this Christmas.

Krystelle Robeniol
