“My mouth shall be filled with your praise, and I will sing your glory!” – Psalm 71:8

Each day has blurred with the next this Advent season. What normally would be a time of exciting party-planning, gift-preparing, Christmas-caroling, food-eating adventures have been replaced with work-from-home, dog-walking, lots-of-sleeping cycles. What made this time of year so special to me, as someone who loves the Advent and Christmas seasons, has all but vanished amid this pandemic. As echoed by many of us, I am simply ready for this month to signal the end of 2020 with all its horrible events and negativity.

Today’s reading wakes us up from this stupor, however. The Psalm reminds us to be filled with gratitude, glorifying God. Even though it is easy to brush it off saying, “Thanks for nothing,” this is not the case. This year gave us its own unique gifts. For me, it became a time to slow and grow. I worked on my physical and mental health. I spent quality time with my family which I will forever cherish. I discovered new passions and rediscovered old ones. I faced the challenge of trying to understand better who I am and start reconciling that with who I want to be. I even got a dog! 

While it is easy to get caught up in the headlines and see a terrible year, we are invited to look at it with a discerning eye. We are God’s beautiful children, and despite everything, He blesses us in abundance in other ways. It may not have been the traveling adventure or social extravaganza we wanted, but this year reminded us of some of the core things important to us, that make us who we are, and gave us the chance to nourish them. We are complex. We are resilient. We are creative. We are caring. We are loved. As we approach the end of Advent and enter the Christmas season, rather than let each day blur by, may we discover the opportunities each day to reflect and find past and present moments to be grateful for and live in gratitude.

What little things or big moments have you been grateful for this year? How can you take that gratitude and nurture it as you continue to build a home for Baby Jesus in your heart?

Dear God, help me recognize the moments of beauty and grace You blessed me with this year. Allow me to grow gratitude through them and offer it up to You and those around me this season and beyond.

Kevin Nguyen
