"We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage." - MT 2:1-12

2020 has been a year like no other - an overhead of a thickening of clouds wreathing everything with grayness. It brought upon new challenges and, at times, trying, unpredictable, and exhausting. So much loss, revealing the frailty of our human state - lives lost and affected from Covid, Black Lives that did not matter soon enough, frontline workers, police, service members, educators, and all the real-life angels in the hospitals who fought tirelessly in this pandemic from the start. Not to mention those suffering from a job loss or the loneliness this crucible time has brought.

A few days before Christmas, our family stood in front of our home, an hour past sunset, hoping to see the Bethlehem Star of 2020. To our disappointment, it was nowhere in sight where we were looking. Knowing we only had a short period, my husband, Greg, prompted us to get into the car immediately, and we drove towards the beach hillside to receive an unobstructed view. Once we put on our masks and got out of the car, we turned our gaze towards the sky, where other individuals and groups were socially distancing and admiring from afar. Ollie, my 4-year-old daughter, pointed and said in excitement, "Southwest, Mom and Dad!"

As I contemplated on Saturn and Jupiter's alignment that evening, the profound darkness of the background sky reminded me of the normal condition of almost every portion of our universe, the ample spaces where there is nothing at all. And when I reflect on the most trying times of my life, darkness came to strengthen me and deepen my prayer life. Trust and faith were my companions to endure the walk of unfurling a deeper self - a call towards a life of Christ within me. 

The Magi in today's gospel symbolize our noblest human efforts. They trekked for the truth, and the star they followed was not always visible. There were moments of doubt if they were going in the right direction. Our path towards a fuller relationship with God can seem hidden at times. Joy and peace may appear fogged in our midst. Yet like the Magi, we are encouraged not to lose heart in Him, our true north, and that we will grow through the ordinary and extraordinary moments of our life.

"Lord, into your hands, I entrust my spirit. Open my heart, mind, and eyes to know my worth is more than easy."

Tam Lontok
