“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord...” – Lk. 1:46

The Magnificat, also known as Mary’s Song, always goes through my head with music since I am a parish musician. However beautiful the music may be, this song is subversive in that it overturns all of our worldly values and replaces them with what Jesus will affirm during his ministry. Jesus, bringing God’s love into the world, will transform the world. In the same way, I find that God’s love overturns my own fear, my wounds, and my failures, replacing them with blessings and grace and, ultimately, transforming my life.

 Subversive Love
              by Sharon Sullivan     
Just when I think
I’m lost,
shivering alone at
the brink of the abyss,
I discover
I’m found –
flying with angels,
soaring among stars.
you turn my life
You heal my wounds into
You transform
my failures into
grace that washes
 my heart
with an everlasting
rain of love.

The Grand Canyon illustrates how water has transformed what might have been an ordinary landscape into a thing of such glorious grandeur that no description or even photograph can do it justice.

How has God's love transformed your life?

Sharon Sullivan

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