“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.  May it be done to me according to your word.” Lk. 1:38

This Advent season has been particularly special since a few days before the season of waiting started, my second nephew was born.  We have been waiting for this child’s arrival for many years, so how fitting it is to start the season off with his birth. The baby’s arrival in our family has definitely shaken things up as all babies do.  His arrival has brought about new details to old family stories that have made me think a lot about the women of my family and given me a deeper sense of gratitude and love for my mom and sister.  I am completely inspired by their ability to give of themselves to others totally and sincerely which is encompassed by what St. John Paul II called the Feminine Genius.

During this Advent season, I feel drawn to Mary and her feminine genius.  She is a BOSS.  She willingly and beautifully surrenders to God’s plan for her.  I always wonder how was she not afraid. How did she not try to figure out the logistics of being a new mom? Becoming a new mom has its own set of fears but to become the new mom of a child prophecy knowing that there will be suffering along the way carries its unique trepidation! I am in awe of her willingness to wholeheartedly trust in God and let go.  She gives an all-encompassing and complete yes to God’s creation.  She understands that God is doing something great and is willing for her life to be a light to others.

This Advent season, I aspire to be more like Mary.  I feel called to ask: Will I let go of my need to control my plans and surrender to God’s plan?  Will I be open to trust completely and sincerely? 

Lord help me to grow in compassion and willingness to give of myself to others. Help me let go of my fears and put my faith in God’s plan for me.

Jeanalee Obergfell
