"Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel." - Luke 2:22-40

The Feast of the Presentation is a feast of longing. Simeon was not a young man when he came to the temple to visit Jesus after his birth. He has been waiting for this moment for quite an extended time. Decades, perhaps? When he fulfilled his mission, Simeon did not react with regret or fear of the end of his life, he praised God and submitted himself to the Lord. Simeon inspires me to love and keep faith, even when I feel as if I have nothing left. He models for me a union and intimacy with God that can set us free, depart in peace, and one which is healing. He encourages me to offer my fragility, vulnerability, and joy of an open and longing heart to the temple. 

Walking in the afterglow of Christmas, it gives me an opportunity to reflect on my mission and how God calls me to listen to the still, small voice telling me not to run or give up - not today at least - and to take each day as it comes. One at a time. Carrying on with Him. He wants my faith to become the softest part of my life, the most healing, and most life-giving space in my heart. In prayer, He cups His hands around my story and heals the bruised and broken parts of my journey - where the opinions of others fail and when I am unable to see through my fears. Receptive to His healing, I am made more aware of my brokenness and trust that my small part will assist in the unfolding of His dreams for me.

Lord, teach me to pray first and reach towards you unhindered and unashamed instead of being overtaken by fear and discouragement.

Tam Lontok
