"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." – Jn. 4: 13-14

The story of the Samaritan woman illustrates how Jesus seeks and welcomes us to intimacy. He invites us to dive into the depths of our own well and share our joy, love, pain, loss, and decisions with Him. We thirst for meaning in our lives, knowing we are loved, a supportive and encouraging community, and companionship to satisfy our living water. But are we willing to break through the inability to believe in His unshakable love for each of us?

Today’s gospel reminds me that no matter how much I labored to understand and resolve my childhood issues on worthiness, I am called to resolve it again and again throughout the different seasons of my life. Regardless of where I stand on this continuum, I am encouraged to make the wholehearted journey with Jesus from second guessing myself to “I am enough.” This journey begins with humility, self-compassion, owning my story, and willingness to give myself a break. In owning my worthiness, I acknowledge that I am God’s beloved - broken, yet still invited. I stop deeming myself unworthy of invitations and trust the inviter. A God who smiles at me and says, “There you are. I’ve been waiting. Are you ready to create something beautiful with me?” This type of love overwhelms me, fills me, covers me, and convinces me that I am enough.

If I choose to be real and loved, I have to be willing to send out my true and tender self before God. Like the Samaritan woman, I am called to trust that my experience is as unique to me as my own fingerprints. Sometimes in moments of searing pain, I might think I have no choice. But I do and it becomes the most important choice, I can either grow or give up.

Thank you, Lord, for not waiting until I become a better person. You are choosing me here and now.

Tam Lontok

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