During this time of year, I find myself easily prone to the “holiday blues.” I have been feeling the loneliness of being far away from my family as I carve out a life for myself in a different state.  I’ve also become more keenly aware of my desire for a “fulfilled” vocation - to put it bluntly, being single is somewhat painful right now! The Advent season has a way of bringing out my tendency towards melancholic pining even though I’m also thrilled by the excitement of Christmas traditions, vacation time, and the general comfort of being Catholic with our attitude of “waiting” for Jesus.

Today’s gospel is challenging. It starts with Jesus first saying not everyone will get into heaven and then warning against laying the wrong foundations by using the evocative imagery of storms, flooding, and strong winds. It’s a pretty clear invitation to examine what we are “building” on. It invites us to stay faithful to our spiritual foundation and continue living God’s will. This call is so simple and yet so difficult to stay focused on when we find ourselves amidst a society that pushes spending and materialism as the driving forces of the holidays.

This gospel called me to re-examine how my foundations are doing in the face of storms like the "holiday blues" and the many daily distractions trying to wreak havoc with my mood and spiritual attitude. Upon bringing it to prayer, I was delightfully reminded that despite the many emotions and longings jostling around on the surface of my heart, there is a deeper sense of hope and trust that anchors me in Christ - a huge grace! The invitation to this season’s joy is so much more than mere happiness or any temporary emotional peace we might long for because Jesus himself is so much more!

What are some of the “storms” that are buffeting your spiritual foundation right now? How can you invite Jesus more fully into your life this season and allow him to strengthen your faith? 

Liana Merrill