Saint Ignatius of Loyola speaks of two kinds of discernments:

  1. “Discernment of spirits” is about becoming sensitive to the interior movement or "motions" of our soul, reflecting on them, and understanding their origin as well as where they lead us (toward or away from God).

  2. "Discernment of God's will” uses the above capacity to differentiate inner inclinations in making decisions that flow from our sense of how God is calling us at this time in our life.

The following are solid readings on Ignatian discernment as well as prayerful decision-making. Click here for a series of podcasts by Fr. Timothy Gallagher, OMV who also wrote excellent books on the subject.

The Way of Discernment

by Elizabeth Liebert

An immensely wise and practical guide for anyone who wants to seek God’s will in the midst of their decisions and daily life. Each chapter includes multiple prayer exercises.

Let Your Life Speak

by Parker J. Palmer

A book that helps you to listen, love, and trust yourself. A reflective guidebook for those willing to take the inner journey that leads to discovering God’s dream for them.

God's Voice Within

by Mark Thibodeaux SJ

A clear and practical resource for anyone who wants to develop their spiritual intuition or inner GPS and learn to discern God’s will written in everyday language.

Hearing with the Heart

by Debra Farrington

A good, gentle start if you want to learn useful tools for discernment, whether you consider yourself religious or spiritual-but-not-religious. 

Inner Compass

by Margaret Silf

A congenial, practical, and dynamic look at Spiritual Exercises. Like a good compass, the book is a solid guide for those who wish to renew their life’s direction and purpose.

The Alchemist

by Paul Coelho

An inspiring fable about a young shepherd in Brazil who leaves comfort to pursue his life's dreams. On the journey, he learns valuable life lessons and ultimately finds himself.

The Discerning Heart

by Wilkie Au and Noreen Cannon Au

A more in-depth look for those who want to cultivate a discerning heart in everyday choices as well as making larger decisions using an Ignatian process of discernment.

A Sacred Voice Is Calling

by John Neafsey

Written for young adults on vocation, the book explores wisdom from many traditions about how we can listen to our sacred voice that calls us to serve and make a difference. 

What's Your Decision?

by M. Sparough SJ, J. Manney, and T. Hipskind SJ

A fast-moving, personal, and highly practical book, the authors introduce readers to a time-tested Ignatian approach to effective decision making.