When The Wine Runs Short 

After my divorce 11 years ago, I wanted something different. I remember crying on the kitchen floor, grieving the marriage and future I thought I would have. I remember God telling me, "It's ok. The next one will have to come through me." 

And, he did. Kevin first messaged me on Easter Sunday and we quickly became friends. The following Advent we noticed that this might be something more. He met my family that Christmas Eve. Our first Lent together we celebrated the Fridays with simple meals at the end of fasting and having our own intimate faith sharing conversations. We got married 6 years ago, today, on what was the Feast of the Holy Family. 

While he is my spiritual BFF and I absolutely delight in our liturgical anniversaries, sometimes "the wine runs short" like in today's Gospel reading of the wedding at Cana. Sometimes the vows I made are put to the test. We don't see eye to eye. We struggle to communicate kindly. There is frustration, resentment, and feelings of hopelessness. 

And then I follow Mama Mary's lead and tell Jesus, "We have no wine." 

In these prayers, Jesus often reminds me of the grace. Of when Kevin sacrificed finishing up notes at work so he could come home early and help care for the kids. Of when Kevin ushered me out the door to get a training run in when I tried to stay and do housework. Of good times after good times. 

I've noticed in many of my most meaningful relationships, when the wine runs out, and all I can see are shortcomings, hurt, and pain. Jesus brings the good wine, the better wine, the best wine. I don't think he tries to sugar coat anything or to give me rose colored glasses or even change my mind for that matter. I think he gives me a more complete picture of that relationship. He sees all and wants to make sure I do too. 

In our most meaningful relationships, when the wine runs out, in what ways do we ask Jesus to help? 

Dear Jesus, be in our relationships. And when they become hard, show us what you see. Transform our hearts to love like you. Amen. 

Rae Visita Izquierdo
