A Promise Greater than This 

“The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” - Mt 9:37-38 

People often think that one must be ill to be sick and suffering, but in today’s Gospel reading, God called out how his heart ached for those troubled and abandoned. In a world that is now more connected than ever, I find that so many of my friends are becoming lonelier. They seek validation and acceptance in places and activities that take more than they can receive and are constantly running to seek that next high… but it is never enough. 

Growing up highly involved at church, some of my best friends came out of my youth group, where we got to learn, grow, and experience unexplainable graces together. I can attribute the foundation of my relationship with God to the moments I got to share with them. 

I tend to compare our faith journey to a strenuous hike where our goals are the same, but each journey is made on our own. During the trek, there are elevation changes and trials we can’t always prepare for. In those moments, the challenges may seem like the hardest thing you’ve ever endured. You can choose to take breaks and keep going; you can stop and camp or give up and go back. Alone, it is scary, but together, the journey is more enjoyable, and heaven is our end goal.

As I learn to navigate through the ebbs and flows of this journey, I find myself longing for those friends to be here by my side but I’d look back and see that they have chosen to camp — fearful of the unknown and trusting in the comfort of what is. I long to experience that last viewpoint with them and to remind them that there is more out there than what this life can offer us and that the challenges they’re encountering do not disable or define them. 

Lord, today I pray for my friends. For them to remember what it is like to be loved by you and the promises of an everlasting life with you. I pray that you can help them heal their hearts and remember that they are enough. Amen. 

Mia Huynh 
