An Epiphany: Fear and Awe, Always Joy

Pope Francis warned God’s ministers against being “sourpusses” in “The Joy of the Gospel.” This is likely the only time “sourpusses” has been used in an official papal document. As much as the Pope’s word choice makes me giggle, it highlights the reality that in our lives we often encounter the fearful Herods - and people of Jerusalem that joined him - from today’s Gospel reading.

In response, I hear an invitation to listen and continue with joy, which is different from happiness. Joy is a gift present even in challenges, not a superficial stamp of approval or avoidance with a smile.

In my ministry, I’ve recently experienced both a confirming witness to the Spirit of God building and growing, and a countermovement from others (without that insight) of doubt - and at times, opposition. The latter frustrates me the most. My experiences confirm how the Spirit flows when we cooperate and collaborate. Why can’t they see it? In my moments of frustration, I remind myself that most of the negativity stems from fear, so I gather all my patience and listen. What are they afraid of?

There are many personal, social, economic, and eclesiastical reasons why Herod and Jerusalem were troubled. There was also a surrounding sense of awe, however. Something was different when God entererd the world. Did they really know what was happening?

Today’s epiphany for me is that God’s presence does not always quell our fears, both awe and fear, profane and holy dwell together. And God persists in inviting us to join God’s joy. The wise men continued their pilgrimage to Jesus. They were overjoyed, prostrated themselves in awe, when they met God and the Holy Family. This is the Epiphany - an overwhelming joy at the encounter of Emmanuel, “God among us,” even in the midst of challenges such as fear.

May our lives reflect Christ’s overwhelming joy, even when sourpusses remain. Especially, when we are those sourpusses. How am I being called to respond to life’s challenges with joy? Where do I need God’s support to do so?

Vivian Valencia
