The First Phone Call

Mary went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and then reported what he had told her. - John 20:18

If we won an award, lost a tooth, or had something exciting happen as kids, our first call was always to our grandmother. In the pre-cell phone world, sometimes we would have to wait and try again later. When this happened, we would not call my aunt or anyone else until we could reach our grandma so she could be the first “hearer” of our news. After his Resurrection, Jesus chose Mary Magdalene first for a reason. Maybe it was because of her openness to what would seem “impossible” to most of us. Maybe it was because what was happening was so real and awesome that He did not want her to hear it from anyone else.

All of these first hearers and witnesses to the Resurrection could not keep the news to themselves. I think of a new grandparent who proudly shows baby pictures to people waiting in line in the grocery store or a high school student who hangs a banner on a freeway overpass inviting his girlfriend to prom.

Are we overflowing with excitement and joy about what Jesus has done to us? What does it feel like for me to receive news I cannot hold inside? Who are my first “hearers” of any news (good or bad)?

Jen Coito
