“Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him…” Phil 2:6-8

Last Sunday afternoon, I stood atop the sandy earth on Guffey Butte. Stopping for a mid-hike snack, I watched four white butterflies frolic midair. They zigzagged in a wild dance with the natural distance required by flight. I wondered if their erratic fluttering communicated anything between them, or if they were flying just to fly, being butterflies.

On an ordinary spring Sunday, I wouldn’t have been there. I’d have finished up at church and would already be enjoying the fresh snow that had fallen overnight at the local ski hill. But this year, my highly specialized and ‘non-essential’ employment has been sidelined, my travel plans cancelled, my social circle constricted, my ski hill closed prematurely. Even Mass must now be celebrated without our congregation physically present.

As so many things fall away, I am reminded in a most simple way that each of us is human first…our existence as vulnerable living organisms precedes everything else, uniting us as a species. What remains is not our economic activity, nor political borders, but our undeniable humanity.

It is this humanity into which our Lord descends, emptying Himself to come down to our level. Humbling Himself to become human…of the earth.

Today, we will not celebrate Palm Sunday with palm fronds held high singing ‘Hosanna.’ We will not together cry out ‘Crucify Him!’ during the gospel of our Lord’s Passion. But, despite leaving us unable to celebrate Holy Week together, the invisible invader (which scientists believe shares genetic material with the snake) will not rob us of our essential humanness. With arms outstretched like our Lord’s, we will Love just to Love, being human.

Lord, help me to embrace the humility of my humanity. Help me to live obedient to Your will. Help me to suffer in Love without fear, as your Son did. Help me to recognize the humanity fundamental to each individual. Lord, please be our Help through a very different kind of HOLY WEEK this year.

Vicki Lord
