“I will make them one nation upon the land” – Ezekiel 37:22 

Today’s readings all speak of the unified plurality of God’s children with wording such as, “one nation, flock, and my people.” As one who more readily identifies with the solitary lost sheep rather than the 99, it takes some imagination for me to find comfort in being part of a group. At times, we can link group membership with anonymity, considering it devoid of unique talent or mission. Our heart is easily captured by the idea of being singled out and rescued, but reluctant to merely be part of a crowd. I find myself wondering if the 99 sheep left by Jesus felt abandoned, forgotten, and ordinary.  

Yet, I imagine that our Lord in his wisdom would not have formed the group without intention. Further, I don’t imagine He would have left them if they were not safe and still very much His own. The readings imply that the Lord desires unification in His people and sees this as good. It seems that the group’s livelihood is dependent upon their inseparability and humble trust in the good shepherd.  

We see a negative example in today’s gospel of one who steps out of the group in Caiaphas, the high priest. In his prophesy of Jesus’ death for the “dispersed children of God,” he ignites a collective plan to kill Him. Though Caiaphas had some insight, he simply cannot accept Jesus because He threatens the high priest’s stature and immediate future. Caiaphas, ill-content to be part of Jesus’ flock, certainly lacked humility and trust. 

Today, let us ask ourselves where we stand. Do we identify as one of the Lord’s beloved sheep? Do we find ourselves outside of the group, like Caiaphas, striving after personal gain? Whether within a group or alone, how do we feel? Reluctant? Abandoned? Threatened? Prideful? Take some time to reflect with the Lord.  


Patty Hussey  
