I had a chance to say goodbye to my Mom before she passed away. Just 24 hours before, she was consoling and encouraging my daughter, Leni, who was frustrated that her 4-year-old little fingers were not yet masters at hanging the little hooks of Christmas ornaments onto the pine needles of the tree.

"One at a time, Leni. Take your time. You can do it." My mom told her. I smiled. This was advice she had given me throughout my life with anything that overwhelmed me.

This was intermixed with my mom shuffling after my 2-year-old to wipe his runny nose. Ollie was protesting but my mom was gentle and firm, "See! Doesn't that feel better?"

The following morning would be a call for an ambulance. She had had a stroke. The following evening there we were, in her ICU room. To say that our hearts were full of shock is an understatement.

I reached to place my hand on an area close to her heart, exposed by an asymmetric hospital gown. When I touch her skin, I almost withdrew my hand in surprise.

A calm peace I had never felt before, met my hand. Complete calm, peace, and comfort.

I turned my hand over so the back could touch her, wanting more of my skin to feel this unbelievable sensation. My mom was dying and yet, what I felt when I touched her was life. She was a gift from God and touching her in that moment brought me into a oneness with her and God, the Giver of that gift. Comfort, peace, and love washed over me, mixing with the grief of reality.

As Holy Week approaches, as Lent draws to an end, as Easter peaks around the corner... Where will we be surprised at where God is meeting us, already waiting within the gifts present in our lives? In our own relationships and areas of our lives where we sense endings, how will we live into, receive, and be present to the Paschal Mysteries of our own lives, discovering our own oneness with Jesus? 

May this Lent draw us closer to you, Jesus. Amen.

Rae Visita Izquierdo  
