Have you ever given up a simple pleasure for Lent, such as sweets or alcohol? How successful were you? And how did it change your relationship with Jesus? 

Personally, I found these traditional fasts uninspiring. During my faith journey, I realized that the purpose was to create more space for Jesus. So I experimented with less conventional practices. For example, one Lent I gave up background noise, such as listening to music while driving, especially if I was ignoring it. But if there was a movie I truly wanted to watch, I watched it. After a few weeks, I became more comfortable with quiet; my anxiety decreased and my mind was less chatty during prayer. 
This year however, has been more challenging. Two weeks into Lent, I found my life VERY crowded: 11-hour days at work, a disabled parent, friends, hobbies, exercise, chores, unexpectedly dating, music ministry, writing this reflection, etc. Yes, I'm always tired, so I reach for loud background noise just to stay awake. 

Perhaps my offering is to begin saying no, in order to rest and be alert to the Spirit. 

All the readings today bring up how superficial sacrifices are undesired, especially if it’s to show-off. What God truly wants from us is love; to remove the obstacles from being in Her presence. But beware of the trap: how much easier is it to give up chocolate than those obstacles? 

If you have 3 minutes, you're invited to listen to this recording of today's 1st reading.

May you always find a space for Jesus in your heart. May it always be a warm and welcoming place. A place free from judgment, guilt, or shame. A place of acceptance and compassion. A place to be held as you are, and a place to inspire you to grow from, and share that same love with others. Amen. 


Susan Liem 
