Recommended Time: 120 minutes

1. Watch The Chosen Episode 1.8. (50 min)

2. Rewatch the clip below before reflecting.

3. Quietly reflect or journal on either of the sets of questions below or combine them to fit your group’s needs. (15 min)

CLICK on a “+” sign for more:

    1. Jesus uses humor at different points to help connect with and disarm people, as a tool for encountering others with greater approachability. What role does humor play in your life, faith, and relationships, especially those with whom you struggle?

    2. God often chooses people who are on the outside or at the “bottom of the barrel” to reveal God’s love (like Jesus choosing the Samaritan woman or many of his disciples). When have you encountered such surprising choices, in your own life or in the life of others? How were you affected and chose to respond?

    3. Is there anything else from the episode that puzzles, moves, or surprises you? How so?

    1. Jesus not only knows about the Samaritan woman, he also knows her pain of being rejected and her deep longing for genuine love. When and how have you experienced being seen and known by God and others? Whether you can recall such an experience or not, what would it mean for you to be seen and known by God more fully at this time in your life?

    2. Is there anything else from the episode that puzzles, moves, or surprises you? How so?

4. Break into small groups and share answers to your questions above. (30 min)

5. Reconvene with the large group and discuss the following large group questions below. (10 min)

  • Is there an insight that came up from your small group that you think the large group can benefit from?

  • Is there a question you’d like to pose to everyone in the large group?

Source: Angel Studios
