Recommended Time: 110 minutes

1. Watch The Chosen Episode 2.2. (50 min)

2. Rewatch the clip below before reflecting.

3. Quietly reflect or journal on either of the sets of questions below or combine them to fit your group’s needs. (15 min)

    1. Nathanael’s world seemed to be crashing. He believed he was doing everything right according to the norms of his society and religion: he loved God with all his heart, and served God as an architect to offer glory to him. God called Nathanael to serve in a different way; not what Nathanael originally envisioned. Would he have seen the light if he did not experience the crash? Have you seen similar events in your life or in the lives of others? If yes, what was that like for you? If not, how would you respond if it did happen to you? Did that experience push you away from God or draw you closer?

    2. Being Christian sometimes runs contrary to our mainstream culture. Being Catholic can bring about animosity in various circles. Which circles are you comfortable being Catholic or Christian (at home, at work, at church, or among family and friends)? Which environment(s) are you not? Please elaborate.

    3. Is there anything else from the episode that puzzles, moves, or surprises you? How so?

    1. Philip encouraged Matthew who was struggling to belong to the group of disciples: “If Jesus called you, it means you already have everything you need right now. He’ll give you the rest in time … what you think you know doesn’t matter. Only that Jesus chose you, that’s where your confidence comes from now.” Where does your confidence usually come from? In what way(s) might the Lord be inviting you to place greater trust in him at this time?

    2. Is there anything else from the episode that puzzles, moves, or surprises you? How so?

3. Break into small groups and share answers to your questions above. (30 min)

4. Reconvene with the large group and discuss the following large group questions below. (10 min)

  • Is there an insight that came up from your small group that you think the large group can benefit from?

  • Is there a question you’d like to pose to everyone in the large group?

Source: Angel Studios
