Let It Go

“Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something.” So they cast it, and were not able to pull it in because of the number of fish. So the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord.” - Jn 21:6-7

How do you feel when you let go of the need to control everything?

It can oftentimes be scary to come face-to-face with the unknown, but it also takes a lot of courage and a lot of trust in order to allow yourself to do so.

As we reflect on today’s Gospel, we are invited to listen deeper to Jesus’ invitation and calling for us, and we are reassured that if we simply let go and trust in Him, all will be okay.

The disciples went fishing the night before and caught nothing. They planned to continue through the next day doing as they were doing when they were met with Jesus waiting for them on the shore. Although they were unable to recognize Him at that moment, they listened to what he had to say and cast their net to the right side of the boat. In doing so, they were rewarded with so much fish that they were not able to pull it in.

I am invited to take a pause and see where in my life Jesus has shown up this week. In which little moments did He nudge me to simply let go and trust in Him? Although my relationship with Christ has improved vastly over the years, and I put so much more of my trust in Him, I still struggle with fully letting go and surrendering this idea of control. But in the moments in which I am able to listen deeper to what Jesus is trying to say to me, in the moments in which I am able to respond to His invitations, those are the moments where I am then met with an abundance of grace that I never imagined would be possible.

I recently started a new job and as I navigated through discerning what I was going to do when I got the offer, I focused too much on me and what I wanted and where I was. But when I took a moment to pause in my million miles a minute rambles, I heard Jesus’ voice. I heard Him reassure me that this was indeed the answers to my prayers. Although the move didn’t make 100% sense to anyone else and I was still not 100% sure, I placed my trust in Him and did as He willed. After my first day of work, it all made sense. I was met with the most amazing coworkers and the abundance of His love continues to pour out to me every single day since. I am now in a place where I feel like the work I am doing is life-giving and that the people I am working with see me and value me.

May we listen a little closer to what God has to say to us. May we continue to learn to surrender to Him and His will, and trust that in doing so, we will be able to recognize His unconditional love for us.

Nancy Lê
