“After this he appeared in another form to two of them walking along on their way to the country. They returned and told the others; but they did not believe them either." - Mark 16:12-13 

“Zombies aren’t real. Neither are aliens.” 
“Well if that’s true then neither are leprechauns, the Easter Bunny, or Santa!” 
“What about the tooth fairy?!” 
“What is real?!?!” 

This heated exchange over what’s real and what’s “fake” continued for much of the 20-minute car ride home from school. As I listened to my children “conversing and debating” over what makes something real, I imagined the disciples on the road to Emmaus. They journeyed along, recounting the facts they knew and all the things that challenged those truths. “But we were hoping that…” I hear the voices raising louder and louder, the futile attempts to make sense of conflicting realities. Can I hang onto the truth of Santa and the Easter bunny if zombies and leprechauns are not real? 

Finally my five-year-old proclaimed “God is not fake and I am not fake.” These simple facts re-grounded her in a core truth. The disciples on the road gradually came to recognize Jesus as He shared the Gospel message and broke bread with them. Once they knew who Jesus was, everything fell into place and they recognized their own truth as disciples and believers in the Resurrected Christ. 

On the road home, my children together uncovered the greatest Easter truth. They are real, God is real. When it comes to the Easter Bunny, I plead the Fifth… 


Jen Coito 

Photo credit: Pexels 

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