“Do not be amazed, then, brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.” – 1 Jn. 3:13

When I read the first reading, it instantly made me think of social media and how hateful people can be. In this day and age, people are now more than ever constantly judging each other on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I find myself being that person that gets caught up in judging people and being hateful. One of my biggest fears in life is being left out and people not liking me. So I also get caught up in people not liking the things I post, or I get nervous when I post something faith related because someone might judge me.

Today is the feast day of St John Neumann. He was a courageous man who sought out God and to do good will. I find the first reading to be fitting as if St John was writing it out. I need to be more courageous and loving towards people especially on social media. This reading also reminds me of St. Mother Teresa and the acts of courage and love she had for the poor people. She has always been someone I have looked to for courage and strength.

Looking at the works of St. John and St. Mother Teresa has helped me to apply the first reading in my life, especially in social media. I need to be more loving and caring to my brothers and sister in Christ. I need to be courageous and do the works of God even if it is on social media. “Let us love not in word or speech, but in deed and truth.”

How have you been loving and courageous with the people in your life? How have you treated people on social media?

Kaleila Simon
